This zip file contains template inserts for:
- Blank Journals Inserts with different sizes
- Task List Journals Inserts different sizes
- Daily Schedule Journal Inserts - different sizes
- Fonts - A list of different Fonts
- Fiction and Non-Fiction templates for book creation
All to help you achieve your writing goals faster so that you can focus on the creativity of your finished work. Those who attend the Workshop also receive the video of the session included in this price.
Fonts, Templates, and More
This zip file contains template inserts for:
- Blank Journals Inserts in different sizes
- Task List Journals Inserts different sizes
- Daily Schedule Journal Inserts - different sizes
- Fonts - A list of different Fonts
- Fiction and Non-Fiction templates for book creation
All to help you achieve your writing goals faster so that you can focus on the creativity of your finished work.